Rickets in a dairy calf-produced by a calcium deficiency.    Calcium deficiency, phosphorus deficiency, an imbalance in the calcium and phophorus concentrations in the ration, or a deficiency in vitamin D can all cause Rickets in the young growing animal. These deficiencies prevent the deposition of calcium and phosphorus for normal bone formation.  Symptoms, which are clearly evident in the photograph, include misshapen long bones, enlarged joints, and lameness.  Swollen knees and hocks with arching of the back are typical symptoms in calves.  The bones are weak, easily broken, and the legs may be bowed.

Rickets in a dairy calf


Digital Credit: Dr. Todd See

Publisher: North Carolina State University

Rights: Image Gallery user terms

Description: Rickets in a dairy calf-produced by a calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency, phosphorus deficiency, an imbalance in the calcium and phophorus concentrations in the ration, or a deficiency in vitamin D can all cause Rickets in the young growing animal. These deficiencies prevent the deposition of calcium and phosphorus for normal bone formation. Symptoms, which are clearly evident in the photograph, include misshapen long bones, enlarged joints, and lameness. Swollen knees and hocks with arching of the back are typical symptoms in calves. The bones are weak, easily broken, and the legs may be bowed.

Resolution: 300x231

File Size: 17.4 KB