Material found in stomach of a phosphorus deficient cow: oyster shells, porcelain, teeth, inner tube, pieces of metal and pebbles.  This depraved appetite to ingest abnormal materials not considered to be feedstuffs is known as Pica and is also a symptom of chloride deficiency.  One explanation for this behavior is that the animal is trying to consume materials to offset a deficiency in its diet. However, some of the materials shown in the photograph, such as the rubber inner tube and the pieces of metal, probably contain very little available P to offset the deficiency.

Phosphorus deficiency, rumen contents

Credit: Florida Agricultural Expt. Station

Digital Credit: Melissa Foster

Publisher: AIN

Rights: No rights reserved - image is in the public domain

Description: Material found in stomach of a phosphorus deficient cow: oyster shells, porcelain, teeth, inner tube, pieces of metal and pebbles. This depraved appetite to ingest abnormal materials not considered to be feedstuffs is known as Pica and is also a symptom of chloride deficiency. One explanation for this behavior is that the animal is trying to consume materials to offset a deficiency in its diet. However, some of the materials shown in the photograph, such as the rubber inner tube and the pieces of metal, probably contain very little available P to offset the deficiency.

Resolution: 2635x2824

File Size: 3.31 MB