This fetus was a slaughter house specimen, weighing about 20 kg and thought to be about 10 months of gestation - a month beyond the normal duration of pregancy.  Perosomus horridus is a fetal monster with general fusion of bones in joints and muscle contractures. The spine is short due to double S-shaped lateral twisting of the vertebrae.  To the extent these anomolies are genetically based, they may be minimized by commercial artificial insemination.

Perosomus horridus

Credit: Roberts SJ (1973)

Digital Credit: Maarten Drost

Publisher: None

Rights: Name must appear as a credit whenever the image is used -

Description: This fetus was a slaughter house specimen, weighing about 20 kg and thought to be about 10 months of gestation - a month beyond the normal duration of pregancy. Perosomus horridus is a fetal monster with general fusion of bones in joints and muscle contractures. The spine is short due to double S-shaped lateral twisting of the vertebrae. To the extent these anomolies are genetically based, they may be minimized by commercial artificial insemination.

Resolution: 500x352

File Size: 137.01 KB