The two dark red structures in this image are cotyledons, the fetal counterpart of the  maternal caruncle. Together the cotyledons and  maternal caruncle form a placentome. There are four rows of 15 caruncles in each of the two horns for a total of approximately 120. The size of the placentomes varies not only with the stage of gestation, but also with the location within the uterus, i.e. gravid horn versus nongravid horn and/or lesser versus greater curvature, and with proximity to the fetus. At term the normal size may vary from 2 to 8 cm.  The villous surface of the cotyledon interdigitates with the crypts in the caruncle.

Normal fresh cotyledons

Credit: Drost M (personal collection)

Digital Credit: Maarten Drost

Publisher: None

Rights: Name must appear as a credit whenever the image is used -

Description: The two dark red structures in this image are cotyledons, the fetal counterpart of the maternal caruncle. Together the cotyledons and maternal caruncle form a placentome. There are four rows of 15 caruncles in each of the two horns for a total of approximately 120. The size of the placentomes varies not only with the stage of gestation, but also with the location within the uterus, i.e. gravid horn versus nongravid horn and/or lesser versus greater curvature, and with proximity to the fetus. At term the normal size may vary from 2 to 8 cm. The villous surface of the cotyledon interdigitates with the crypts in the caruncle.

Resolution: 500x335

File Size: 48.96 KB