Insect-based diet in animals: Implications for gut microbiota. Animal Frontiers, Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2023, Pages 6–7,

Identification of novel protein sources for use in animal feeds may allow for more traditional protein sources to be used for human consumption. Insects contain essential amino acids and bioactive components that may positively impact the gut microbiota and overall health of animals (Smola et al., 2023; Bovera et al, 2016). Hermetia illucens (Black solider fly) and Tenebrio molitor (Mealworm) are among the insect options for inclusion in animal feeds. In particular, in pigs and fish, insect-based feeds increase the number and diversity of microbial species in the gut and promote the expansion of beneficial bacteria. The presence of pathogens was also decreased, likely through anti-microbial properties of insect-based feeds. In contrast to pigs and fish, poultry may only tolerate feeds with lower inclusion rates of insect-based products.

Insect-based diet in animals: Implications for gut microbiota

Credit: Animal Frontiers Vol 13, issue 4, August 2023.

Digital Credit:

Publisher: American Society of Animal Science

Rights: Name must appear as a credit whenever the image is used - Animal Frontiers, Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2023, Pages 6–7,

Description: Insect-based diet in animals: Implications for gut microbiota. Animal Frontiers, Volume 13, Issue 4, August 2023, Pages 6–7, Identification of novel protein sources for use in animal feeds may allow for more traditional protein sources to be used for human consumption. Insects contain essential amino acids and bioactive components that may positively impact the gut microbiota and overall health of animals (Smola et al., 2023; Bovera et al, 2016). Hermetia illucens (Black solider fly) and Tenebrio molitor (Mealworm) are among the insect options for inclusion in animal feeds. In particular, in pigs and fish, insect-based feeds increase the number and diversity of microbial species in the gut and promote the expansion of beneficial bacteria. The presence of pathogens was also decreased, likely through anti-microbial properties of insect-based feeds. In contrast to pigs and fish, poultry may only tolerate feeds with lower inclusion rates of insect-based products.

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