This liquid manure lagoon has a floating pump to recycle the liquid to be used for flushing alleys in a free stall barn, as shown in image #4536.  The water is pumped to a tower or a holding tank at the high end of the alley, where it is held for flushing alleys two or three times daily. At the lower end of the alley, the flushings enter a system to separate most of the solids, and the liquid is returned by gravity or pump to the lagoon. The solids usually are dried and reused as bedding for free stalls.  Semi-solids from the lagoon are used for fertilizing crop land. Ideally, a lagoon should be sized to be sufficient for 1 year.  This manure system requires an ample supply of water, and may be compromised with temperatures below zero F.

Liquid manure lagoon pump to recycle water

Credit: Hoard's Dairyman

Digital Credit: Michel Wattiaux

Publisher: None

Rights: Name must appear as a credit whenever the image is used -

Description: This liquid manure lagoon has a floating pump to recycle the liquid to be used for flushing alleys in a free stall barn, as shown in image #4536. The water is pumped to a tower or a holding tank at the high end of the alley, where it is held for flushing alleys two or three times daily. At the lower end of the alley, the flushings enter a system to separate most of the solids, and the liquid is returned by gravity or pump to the lagoon. The solids usually are dried and reused as bedding for free stalls. Semi-solids from the lagoon are used for fertilizing crop land. Ideally, a lagoon should be sized to be sufficient for 1 year. This manure system requires an ample supply of water, and may be compromised with temperatures below zero F.

Resolution: 782x482

File Size: 285.24 KB