The left image shows potassium deficient corn with yellowing of the leaf tips that turn brown as they die.  Potassium is an essential macronutrient for corn; it stimulates growth, protein development, water utilization, and disease resistance.  Management of potassium deficient soils should include adding potash at or before planting.  The middle image shows magnesium deficiency with yellow striations of the leaf, and the plant will be stunted in growth.  The image at the right shows nitrogen deficient corn.  Symptoms occur at the lower leaves first, which become yellowish brown and eventually die. Nitrate-nitrogen soil tests can be used within 5 days of planting to test for nitrogen deficiency.  To prevent deficiency apply nitrogen fertilizer in spring at or before planting.  To improve yield, nitrogen side dressing should be applied when the corn is 12 to 18 inches tall.

Corn mineral deficiencies

Credit: University of Delaware and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Digital Credit: Unknown

Publisher: University of Delaware and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Rights: Image Gallery user terms

Description: The left image shows potassium deficient corn with yellowing of the leaf tips that turn brown as they die. Potassium is an essential macronutrient for corn; it stimulates growth, protein development, water utilization, and disease resistance. Management of potassium deficient soils should include adding potash at or before planting. The middle image shows magnesium deficiency with yellow striations of the leaf, and the plant will be stunted in growth. The image at the right shows nitrogen deficient corn. Symptoms occur at the lower leaves first, which become yellowish brown and eventually die. Nitrate-nitrogen soil tests can be used within 5 days of planting to test for nitrogen deficiency. To prevent deficiency apply nitrogen fertilizer in spring at or before planting. To improve yield, nitrogen side dressing should be applied when the corn is 12 to 18 inches tall.

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