Cattle grazing rangelands in many parts of the United States are commonly provided trace mineralized salt as a source of sodium and chloride.  The salt can be offered in a loose form or in the form of a block.  This practice can also be utilized to draw cattle to areas of the pasture which are underutilized by strategic placement of the salt blocks or mineral feeders.

Cow consuming trace mineral salt

Credit: Gregory Lardy

Digital Credit: Gregory Lardy

Publisher: North Dakota State University

Rights: Name must appear as a credit whenever the image is used -

Description: Cattle grazing rangelands in many parts of the United States are commonly provided trace mineralized salt as a source of sodium and chloride. The salt can be offered in a loose form or in the form of a block. This practice can also be utilized to draw cattle to areas of the pasture which are underutilized by strategic placement of the salt blocks or mineral feeders.

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