Commodity storage systems vary from feedlot to feedlot.  In this photo, you can see wet distillers grains plus solubles and ground corn stored on concrete to the left of the payloader. Immediately behind the payloader is a bunker silo with corn silage and in front of the payloader is a concrete storage structure for ground or chopped forages.

Commodity storage at a Midwestern feedlot

Credit: Gregory Lardy

Digital Credit: Gregory Lardy

Publisher: North Dakota State University

Rights: Name must appear as a credit whenever the image is used -

Description: Commodity storage systems vary from feedlot to feedlot. In this photo, you can see wet distillers grains plus solubles and ground corn stored on concrete to the left of the payloader. Immediately behind the payloader is a bunker silo with corn silage and in front of the payloader is a concrete storage structure for ground or chopped forages.

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